Application Profiles

Settings for security behaviors


The Application Profiles tab allows you to set appropriate security behaviors for your web applications.

Before configuring, ensure that the correct site is selected via the dropdown list at the upper right.

To add an entry to the list, click on the "+" button. To delete an entry, click on the "Remove" link next to its name.

As shown in the above screenshot, the default (“/”) profile will always be present. It applies to the entire site, except for those parts of the site that have specific profiles assigned to them.

Here are the fields for each Application Profile.

Field Name



The name you have assigned to this particular entry. In the example screenshot, the labels are “Static Content” , “Default,” and “JS CSS".


The list of extensions to which this profile will be applied, expressed as PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions). An explanation and some examples are here: Pattern Matching Syntax.


When enabled, this tells Reblaze to inspect all requests for the specified destination. This should always be enabled, unless there is a specific reason not to do so.


Enables support for the WebSocket protocol for this resource.

Cache Mode

Defines Reblaze’s cache behavior for the resources specified in this profile. Modes are explained here: Controlling Caching Behavior.

Client TTL

Custom expiration time for the Client Side cache, in TTL Expression Syntax. (Entries will show as strikethroughs when the Cache Mode is set to an option where the TTL values are ignored.)


Custom expiration time for the CDN Side cache, in TTL Expression Syntax. (Entries will show as strikethroughs when the Cache Mode is set to an option where the TTL values are ignored.)

Purge Content

Purges the cache and removes its content. See explanation below.

Purge Cache

If you'd like to clear cache on one of your websites on the platform, you can click the "Purge" button. Usually, the action takes around 5 minutes.

Last updated