Backend Services


This section defines the Services that Reblaze will protect. In other words, these are the destinations to which Reblaze will send the (legitimate) traffic it receives.

Each Service can receive traffic for multiple web applications, and for multiple resources/locations within each web application. These assignments are made on the Web Proxy page.

Service Administration

At the top of the window, the title on the left displays the Service currently being displayed for editing. The pulldown on the right allows the selection of a different Service.

Adding a Service

To add a Service, click on the "Add" button (the plus sign).

Saving and Publishing Edits

When editing is complete, click on the Save button and then publish your changes.

Deleting a Service

Endpoint Definitions

For a single Service, you can define multiple endpoints. Within them you can:

  • Enable and configure load balancing, weighting and distributing traffic across your primary endpoints.

  • Define backups hosts, to which Reblaze will failover your traffic when your primary hosts aren’t available.

  • Take hosts offline for maintenance by ticking a single box in the interface.

Adding and deleting endpoints from this list is straightforward. To add an endpoint, click on the Add button (the plus sign) and fill out the new entry. To delete an existing entry, click on the delete link next to that entry.

The settings for each endpoint in the list are as follows.

General Settings

The Name field defines the description for this Service within Reblaze.

Use HTTP/1.1: selecting this can speed up communication, via the use of connection pooling.

Transport Protocol: this configures the communication between Reblaze and the backend.

Load Balancing

Sometimes an application requires a user to be connected to the same Reblaze instance and backend endpoint throughout the session. Reblaze can ensure that this occurs, and can do so using a variety of methods.

Last updated