A page for administration of security Profiles
Within the Security section, this tab provides an interface for administering Security Profiles.
Existing Profiles are shown on the left.
Admins can create new Security Profiles, as discussed below. Admins can also edit the Profiles that are included out of the box (e.g., SP Default
) in a new deployment.
Out of the box, Reblaze's Security Profiles are named with a prefix of SP. This naming convention is recommended when creating/editing new Profiles, but it is not mandatory.
Several of the Reblaze-maintained Security Profiles are templates (designated by the prefix SPT). If you do not wish to see them on this page, they can be hidden by selecting the Hide Templates checkbox on the upper right. These templates are used by the Create New Site wizard, and can also be assigned to other sites/applications by admins in the Security Profiles section of the Web Proxy page.
To create a profile, click the Create New button toward the top of the screen, and then choose Profile. Or select an existing one and choose Duplicate, then edit the newly-created copy.
To edit a profile, select it from the list on the left. Its contents will appear in the middle part of the screen.
To add a new Policy to the Profile, select the desired Policy from the Link More Policies list on the right, and click the Add button. To remove an existing Policy from the Profile, click on the X to the right of its name.
In previous versions of Reblaze, a Profile would include one WAF/IPS Policy. Now, a WAF Policy is assigned directly to each resource/location in the Security Profiles section of the Web Proxy page.
Within a Profile, the order of Policies does not matter. When evaluating an incoming request, Reblaze combines the Bypass, Allow, and Deny Rules from all the ACL Policies in the Profile. It evaluates all the Bypass Rules first, then all the Allow Rules, then the Deny Rules.
Most Profile administration will not be possible until the appropriate Policies have been created. Similarly, complete Policy administration will not be possible until there are Rules to add to them.
Some Security Profiles are provided and maintained by Reblaze, and are read-only. These are designated by the Reblaze icon.
A fundamental part of traffic evaluation
As mentioned earlier in Security Section Concepts, Reblaze's decision-making can vary depending on the context. In a typical Reblaze deployment, much of the traffic evaluation is done using Profiles. When Reblaze receives a request for web resources, it first determines the Profile that is in effect for the resource that was requested.
Reblaze's Profiles are hierarchical structures, so that you can set up your security framework in a modular fashion. Rules and collections of rules can be set up once, and re-used throughout your planet as needed.
The hierarchy has several levels:
Condition and Operation
A Profile contains one or more Policies. A Policy contains one or more Rules. A Rule is a combination of a condition and an operation. Let's illustrate these with examples, from the bottom of the hierarchy upward.
Example conditions:
Is the request coming from a specific country? Or ASN?
Is the request coming from a specific IP address?
Is the request coming from a proxy? Or a VPN? Or a Tor network?
Is the request for a specific URI?
Is the request originating from an allowed (or a disallowed) HTTP referer?
Does the request contain (or not contain) specific arguments?
Is the request using (or not using) a specific method or protocol?
Does the request contain (or not contain) a query string in a specific format?
Does the requesting client have (or not have) specific cookies, or a specific cookie structure?
Possible operations:
Bypass (similar to "Allow", but the request will not be subject to further evaluation or filtering by other rules)
Example Rules:
If the requestor IP is within [a known range of Bing crawlers], Allow.
If the requestor IP is within [a known range of Bing crawlers], Allow.
If the requestor IP is within [a range within the Spamhaus DROP list], Deny.
If the requestor IP is within [a range within the Spamhaus DROP list], Deny.
If the requestor is a bot, Deny.
If the requestor is using a proxy anonymizer, Deny.
If the requestor's Company is [our company], Bypass.
If the requestor submitted an HTTP/S request, Deny.
Example Policies:
Allow Bing Crawlers [contains example Rules 1-2 above]
Deny requestors on Spamhaus DROP list [contains example Rules 3-4]
Deny bots [contains example Rule 5]
Deny proxy users [contains example Rule 6]
Allow users from our company [contains example rule 7]
Deny all requests [contains example rule 8]
Example Profiles:
Allow Bing Crawlers
Deny requestors on Spamhaus DROP list
Deny bots
Deny proxy users
Private area of our website, for internal use only:
Allow users from our company
Deny all requests**
** "Allow" Policies are evaluated before "Deny" Policies. When a match is found, no further evaluation is performed. In this example, company users will be Allowed, which exempts them from the Policy which Denies all requests.
Note that while Profiles are defined in this section of the Reblaze UI, they are assigned to specific resources/locations in the Security Profiles section of the Web Proxy page.
Profile: A re-usable collection of security policies
In a typical deployment, Reblaze performs much of its traffic evaluation according to security Profiles. There are four tabs within the interface:
For creating custom matching conditions
This feature is being replaced with , which are more flexible and have more capabilities. For now, Custom Signatures are still being supported. However, it is recommended that you do not create any new Custom Signatures, as they will be deprecated in the future.
Custom signatures are custom matching conditions that you can use in ACL Policies to evaluate client requests.
These allow the administrator to "catch" traffic based on any parameter in the request or the response. They can be used in a number of situations. Some examples:
"Virtual patching": Identifying an incoming exploit attempt for a newly-discovered vulnerability in the upstream network.
Identifying logged-in admin users, so that their requests can be Bypassed.
Identifying specific patterns of traffic that are suspected to be malicious, so they can be blocked.
Identifying specific types of requests (e.g., XMLHttpRequest), so they can be blocked from specific sections of a website.
Admins can create new Custom Signatures, as discussed below. Admins can also edit the Signatures that are included out of the box in a new deployment.
Out of the box, Reblaze's Custom Signatures are named with a prefix of CS. This naming convention is recommended when creating/editing new Signatures, but it is not mandatory.
To create a Custom Signature, click the Create New button toward the top of the screen, and then choose Custom Signature. Or select an existing one and choose Duplicate, then edit the newly-created copy.
Custom Signatures give you tremendous power and flexibility for evaluating your traffic. They are composed of one or more matching conditions, which can be combined using Boolean AND/OR operators.
When you first create a Signature, one condition appears for editing. If you wish to create more than one, click on the Append Condition button at the bottom. This will add another condition for editing.
You can continue for as many conditions as you want. The conditions will be evaluated according to the Boolean operator specified by the Condition Type selector.
Each matching condition combines the entries in Either one of the following fields and Is matching with.
This text box accepts strings or PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions).
The Custom Signature feature is being deprecated, and will be phased out in a future release of Reblaze. It is recommended that instead of constructing new Custom Signatures, use instead.
Before discussing each tab, it will be useful to discuss .
Signatures that have already been defined are listed in the left column, while you can edit and create new ones on the right. Once a Signature has been created, it will be available in the section within the tab.
Some Custom Signatures are provided and maintained by Reblaze, and are read-only. These are designated by the Reblaze icon.
There are several Reblaze-maintained Custom Signatures which are templates (designated by the prefix CST). If you do not wish to see them on this page, they can be hidden by selecting the Hide Templates checkbox on the upper right. These templates are used by the , and can also be assigned to ACL Policies.
An explanation and some examples are here: .
Field Name
Arguments in the request’s header
Arg Names
Argument names in the request’s header
Autonomous System Number (ASN)
The ASN for a specific entity
Country Name / City
Host Name
Destination Hostname
Query String
Regex value inside the query string
Referer / Via values
Remote Address
Client Address in the request
Request Cookies
Cookie in the request’s header
Request Cookies Names
Cookie names in the request’s header
Request Filename
The GET request resource
Request Headers
Specific headers inside the requests
Request Headers Names
Scan the request for specific header values
Request Method
An HTTP method: PUT, POST, GET, etc.
Request Protocol
Request URI
The URI of the resource being requested
User Agent
The User-Agent of the requestor
Administration of built-in modules
This section allows you to administer WAF/IPS Policies, which define the sets of defined behaviors for the WAF. The Policies are assigned to paths/URLs in the Security Profiles section of the Web Proxy page.
Existing WAF/IPS Policies are listed on the left side; selecting one will display its contents on the right for editing. A default Policy must always exist. Additional Policies for specific situations can be defined if needed.
Admins can create new WAF/IPS Policies, as discussed below. Admins can also edit many of the Policies that are included out of the box in a new deployment.
Out of the box, many of the included Policies are named with a prefix of WAF. This naming convention is recommended when creating/editing new Policies, but it is not mandatory.
A prefix of WAFT indicates a Reblaze-maintained WAF/IPS Policy template. If you do not wish to see any templates on this page, select the Hide Templates checkbox on the upper right. Templates are used by the Create New Site wizard, and can also be assigned to other sites/applications by admins in the Security Profiles section of the Web Proxy page.
To create a WAF/IPS Policy, select an existing one and choose Duplicate, then edit the newly-created copy.
When viewing or editing a WAF/IPS Policy, the Active Modules section allows you to enable/disable some of the modules. The four on the left are always active and cannot be turned off. (However, an ACL Policy that resolves to an action of Bypass will exempt a requestor from them.) These four modules are:
Essential Headers Checkup
A request without a header is illegitimate (and generally is an indication of a bot). This module blocks these requests.
HTTP Methods
This module defines the HTTP Methods that are allowed in requests.
Argument Limitations
This module enforces the Request Arguments Limitations that are specified below the list of Allowed HTTP Methods.
RFC Compliance
This module ensures that every request is RFC compliant. Most penetration tools are non-compliant (often deliberately so)—thus, this module alone defeats and excludes a high amount of hostile traffic.
The next three modules are optional, but are recommended in most situations:
Bad Robots
Dual Encoding
A common penetration technique is to encode a hostile request multiple times, in an attempt to evade detection and filtering. For example, an injection attack might be encoded in binary, and then sent as if it were plain text. Or, different types of encoding might be mixed together in the same request. This module detects and defeats these attempted attacks.
* Injection Proof
This module detects and defeats different kinds of injection attacks: SQL, XSS, and OSC. (The "*" is a wildcard.)
At the bottom of the page are the Request Arguments Limitations, Whitelist Argument Names, and Whitelist Rule IDs. These allow you to permit or deny requests based on the arguments contained in the request. For assistance with these entries, please contact support.
Access Control List Policies
The ACL Policies section allows you to define Policies and Rules by which Reblaze will process your incoming traffic. Once an ACL Policy has been defined, it is available to be part of a Security Profile. Once a Security Profile has been defined, it is available to be assigned to specific resources (e.g., a section of your website) in the Web Proxy page.
In the discussion below, "ACL" and "ACL Policy" refer to the same thing: the Policies that can be administered in this section.
Existing ACLs are listed on the left. Selecting one will display it in the middle of the screen for editing.
Admins can create new ACL Policies, as discussed below. Admins can also edit many of the ACLs that are included out of the box in a new deployment.
Out of the box, many of the included ACLs are named with a prefix of ACL. This naming convention is recommended when creating/editing new ACLs, but it is not mandatory.
Several of the Reblaze-maintained ACL Policies are templates (designated by the prefix ACLT). If you do not wish to see them on this page, they can be hidden by selecting the Hide Templates checkbox on the upper right. These templates are used by the Create New Site wizard, and can also be assigned to other sites/applications by admins in the Security Profiles section of the Web Proxy page.
To create a new ACL, select the Create New button toward the top of the screen, then choose "ACL Policy." Or, duplicate an existing ACL and then edit the newly-created copy.
Each ACL contains one or more Rules. These are listed in the middle of the screen. To create a new Rule and add it to the current ACL, use the settings on the right part of the screen. (See below for more on this.) When you are finished with the Rule setup, click on the Add button. The Rule will be added to the Policy that you are currently defining or editing.
To remove a Rule from a Policy, click on the "X" to the right of its name.
The action that will result when the Rule’s Match condition occurs.
The type of parameter that will be tested to see if a Match occurs.
The value for the Match condition.
Each of these fields is explained further below.
The Operation field has three possible values:
Bypass: the requestor will be granted access to the requested resource, without further evaluation or filtering of the request. However, although a Bypassed request will not be subject to further filtering, it will still show up in the logs (as “reason:bypassed”).
Allow: the requestor will not be presented with a challenge, but will still be evaluated by the WAF.
Deny: the requestor will not be allowed to access to the requested resource
When constructing an ACL Policy from multiple Rules, the Rules are arranged in the hierarchy shown above (Bypass, then Allow, then Deny). Rules are evaluated in order from top to bottom. When a Rule resolves to an action, that action is implemented, and further evaluation ceases.
There are five available options for Match:
IP Address
Custom Signature
The first four of these are common matching conditions that are always available. The fifth choice allows you to select custom matching conditions that you constructed by using the Custom Signature feature (however, note that Custom Signatures are being deprecated. Tag Rules should be used instead).
This is the third, unlabeled field in the New Rule dialog. The correct entry will depend on the option that was selected for Match.
If you selected Tag, enter one or more tags as the Match Argument.
If you selected either of these, enter the first few characters of the company name or country, and then choose the full name from the list that appears. (If the text box does not populate itself appropriately as you type the first few characters, check your spelling.)
Enter the specific IP or range of IPs (e.g.,
Enter the first few characters of a Signature that you created previously in the Custom Signature tab, and then choose the one you want from the list that appears. (If the text box does not populate itself with matching Signatures, check your spelling.)
By adding the following characters as a suffix to the ACL's name, the ACL will behave as follows:
Over-capacity override: ignore rate limits.
Loadtest OC
"God Mode": bypass the Rule Operation hierarchy.
Global DR XDeny
For an example of using the OC suffix, see Bypassing Rate Limits for Loadtesting.
For an example of using XDeny, see Quickly Blocking an Attacker.
There will be at least one Policy that is designated by the Reblaze icon. It is provided and maintained by Reblaze, and is read-only.
Identifies and blocks malevolent bots, based on their user agents. This works differently than the process to identify bots. Therefore, when active challenges are disabled, this WAF capability can still be used.
Some ACLs are provided and maintained by Reblaze, and are read-only. These are designated by the Reblaze icon. They are updated as necessary with no action required on your part. (Typically these include dynamic elements that need frequent updating—for example, a list of IP addresses with a recent history of malicious activity.)