GCP BYOL Upgrade

Upgrading BYOL - GCP

Procedure Overview



Executed by


Estimated duration


Console creation


Configuration will be migrated

1 day


Create new deployment


Creating a new instance group

30 minutes


Setup canary instance

Reblaze & Customer

Adding a new template

15 minutes


Verify traffic monitoring

Reblaze & Customer

Verifying that there are no issues with site performance, and making changes to security profiles if necessary.

1 hour


Rеmove old template


Replace all instances

15 minutes

Procedure Details

Step 1: Console Creation by Reblaze

The Reblaze team will set up a new 2.x console for you. Once this is done, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Create New Deployment

Go to the Marketplace and create a new Reblaze Deployment in version 2.x.

For the Deployment type, make sure to select “New region”.

For the Template resource zone, select the same region as the one in the previous installation. (Otherwise, the upgrade will not work.)

Scroll further down the page to the following:

For the Networking region, select the same region as the one in the previous installation. (Otherwise, the upgrade will not work.)

Auto-scaling settings - Minimum number of instances: At least as many instances as in the previous installation. In any case, it should never be less than 2 instances.

Redis settings: If you already have a Redis server installed (which is usually true for Reblaze installations of v2.14 and later), you do not need to create a new one, so you can uncheck the Redis deployment checkbox.

After choosing these settings, click the Deploy button at the bottom of the page.

Once your setup is complete, notify Reblaze support. Reblaze personnel will ensure the console is seeing the new instance group, and will connect the Redis server to it.

Step 3: Setup Canary Instance

Within your GCP console, go to Instance groups and select your current (i.e., the older version) instance group.

Here’s an example where the current group is 6887:

Select it by clicking on its name. The following screen will appear:

Now click on Update VMs. You’ll see this:

Click on Add a Second Template. Add the new template you created. (In this example, the new template is 2354.) Now click on Update VMs.

Step 4: Verify Traffic Monitoring

Go to your Reblaze dashboard, and make sure that you see traffic in the new instances, and that your sites are working as expected.

Step 5: Remove Old Template

In your GCP console, delete the template for the old version.

Last updated