AWS Version Upgrade
How to upgrade Reblaze BYOL
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How to upgrade Reblaze BYOL
Last updated
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Executed by
Estimated duration
Console creation
Configuration migration
1 day
Create new deployment
Creating a new instance group
30 minutes
Setup canary instance
Reblaze & Customer
Adding a new template
15 minutes
Verify traffic monitoring
Reblaze & Customer
Verifying there are no issues with site performance, and making changes to security profiles, if necessary.
1 hour
Rеmove old template
Replace all instances
15 minutes
The Reblaze team will set up a new 2.x console for you. Once this is done, proceed to Step 2.
Redis settings: If you already have a Redis server installed (which is usually true for Reblaze installations of v2.14 and later), you do not need to create a new one. If you do not have a Redis server setup, you will need to create one.
Step 2: Create New Deployment
Go to EC2 > Auto Scaling groups, see Launch template configuration ( zone , capacity, type, etc.)
Now go to EC2 > Launch Template Select your template. To create a new launch template version with a new image, click Actions > Modify template
On the screen that appears (below), provide a description of the image (version 2.18.0 was used as an example below):
Scroll further down the page and see the AMI details listed in the AMI from catalog tab:
Next, Reblaze deployment in the AWS marketplace must be set up.
Search for Reblaze and click on the first option.
Scroll down the page and click View CloudFormation Template.
Now click View Template in CloudFormation Designer.
In this template (below) you can see each region and its AMI.
Copy the AMI compatible with your region. (In our example we used the “us-east-1” AMI.)
Now, return to the Modify template window. Under AMI from catalog, select Browse more AMIs.
Paste the AMI in the search box. Choose the Reblaze image from among the search results.
Find and select the Reblaze image. Click Select.
In the Modify template window, add the new version to your catalog.
Click Create template version on the bottom right of the screen.
Your new version now appears under Launch template details.
Go to EC2 > Launch template and change the Default to the new version (2) Click Update.
Go to your AutoScaling group. In the Details tab, find Group details and click Edit.
Desired capacity must be increased by 100% . For example, if you have 2 servers, Desired capacity must be set to 4. Ensure that this amount does not exceed the Maximum capacity or it too will need to be increased.
Click Update (below).
On the EC2 > Auto Scaling groups screen, check the Instance management tab for the number of servers. Alternatively, you can check the number of servers on your console.
You should be able to see new servers being added with the new version.
Go to your Reblaze dashboard and confirm that you see the new instances and that traffic is routing through them and your sites are working as expected.
Once we verify the new servers are receiving traffic, the old version and its servers must be terminated.
Under the Auto Scaling group, Details tab, there is an Advanced configurations window.
Make sure Termination policies is set to Oldest Launch Template; if not, click Edit and change the policy.
Under the Details tab on the EC2 > Auto Scaling groups screen, locate the Group size options. Reduce the number of desired servers in group to the original amount.
Click Update. The servers attached to the older version will terminate.