General Settings

Web Proxy - General Settings overview.

This part of the interface allows administration of three categories of settings, for the site that is currently selected at the top of the screen:

At the bottom, it also provides the ability to delete the selected site from the planet.

Upstream Servers

This section defines the servers that Reblaze will protect. In other words, these are the servers to which Reblaze will send the (legitimate) traffic it receives.

Within these settings, you can:

  • Enable and configure load balancing, weighting and distributing traffic across your primary servers.

  • Define backup servers, to which Reblaze will failover your traffic when your primary servers aren’t available.

  • Take servers offline for maintenance by ticking a single box in the interface.

  • Instruct Reblaze to keep individual users connected to the same server throughout their sessions.

Adding and deleting servers from this list is straightforward. To add a server, enter its IP in the “New Server” box and click Add, then fill out the rest of the information in the new entry. To delete an existing entry, click on the Delete link next to that entry.

The settings for each server in the list are as follows.




The IP address for each server that Reblaze protects. This can be a normal web server, or it can be a load-balancer. Note that Reblaze also provides load-balancing capabilities in its own right, as seen in the next field.


The relative weight of each server for load-balancing purposes. Reblaze distributes traffic with a round-robin sequence, according to these weights. For example, if two servers are both set to 'weight=1', they will receive equal amounts of traffic. If the first is set to 'weight=3' while the second is set to 'weight=1', the first server will receive three visitors for every single visitor that the second server receives.

Max Fails

The maximum number of failed communication attempts that are allowed for this server. Once this number of failures occurs, Reblaze will consider the server to be inactive. If other servers are available, Reblaze will failover the traffic to them. If this was the only server available, Reblaze will return an error to the client (either 504 Timeout, or 502 Bad Gateway).

Fail Timeout

When a server fails, this is the length of time that Reblaze will wait before trying to send traffic to it again. Example: "10s" indicates a fail timeout of 10 seconds. This field uses TTL Expression Syntax.

Is Down

When this box is checked, Reblaze will not attempt to communicate with this server. This allows you to easily take a server offline for temporary maintenance or some other purpose.

Is Backup

When this box is checked, Reblaze will treat this server as a backup. In other words, Reblaze will not attempt to communicate with it unless all the primary servers (i.e., those for which this box is not checked) are unavailable.


The HTTP port for the server.


The HTTPS port for the server.

In addition to the features described above, Reblaze also has a stickiness capability that is not exposed in this version of the interface. Sometimes an application requires a user to be connected to the same server throughout the session. Reblaze can ensure that this occurs, and can do so using a variety of methods (tracking the user by IP address, session cookies, geographic location, and more).

The stickiness feature will be added to the Reblaze interface in a future version. Meanwhile, if you need this capability for your deployment, contact Reblaze support to set it up for you.

Proxy Settings

The Proxy Settings parameters define Reblaze’s behavior as a proxy, i.e. how Reblaze passes information back and forth between client and server.



Host Header

Defines whether or not Reblaze will alter the Host field in the request header. The default value (“$host”) means that Reblaze will not change it; the server will receive the Host field that the client sent. A different string will replace the Host field in the header. For example, if you have multiple domains in your Reblaze planet, you might mandate that all incoming requests have a certain domain in the header, regardless of which domain the client is actually accessing.

Client’s IP Header Name (Upstream Side)

Defines the field name that contains the client's IP address. Reblaze is a proxy, and it passes incoming client requests to the upstream server. This means that the server will receive request headers which contain Reblaze's cloud IP address as the "client" IP. This is not useful; almost always, the server will need the IP of the actual client instead. To facilitate server logging, analytics, and so on, Reblaze adds the IP address of the originating client to the headers that it sends to the server. The Client’s IP Header Name (Upstream Side) entry allows you to define the name of the field within which this information is passed.

Client's IP Header Name (Client Side)

Defines one or more header fields within which Reblaze can find the client's IP address. When Reblaze receives an incoming request from a client, the request will have passed through a load balancer on its way to Reblaze. This means that the header will contain the client's IP and the load-balancer IP. These two IPs are usually found within the X-Forwarded-For field, which is the default entry for Client's IP Header Name (Client Side). In this situation, Reblaze knows how to extract the client IP from this field. In other situations, a different field name might be necessary. For example, if the Reblaze customer is using Akamai CDN, the incoming request will have the client IP in a field named True-Client-IP instead.

Domain Names

The list of domains that Reblaze will protect.

SSL Offload

Reblaze can send web traffic via HTTP instead of HTTPS. This improves server performance, because the server no longer needs to decrypt the traffic. Obviously, this decreases security, and so this setting should usually be disabled. However, under certain circumstances (e.g., when a VPN is established between Reblaze and the servers), it can make sense to enable this.

Connect Timeout

The time (in seconds) for Reblaze to wait, before treating a connection with the upstream server as having failed.

Send Timeouts

The time (in seconds) for Reblaze to wait, before treating an upstream data transfer attempt as having failed.

Read Timeout

The time (in seconds) for Reblaze to wait, before treating a downstream (toward Reblaze) data transfer attempt as having failed.

Mask Headers

Defines the response headers that Reblaze will mask (i.e., remove from the response), preventing them from being exposed to the client.

For example: a default response header might include information about the server software (e.g. “Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5”). This tells an attacker exactly which platform he is targeting, and so he can know which vulnerabilities to exploit. The Mask Headers entry defines all the headers to remove. It can contain multiple values, connected by pipes, with asterisks as wildcards.

HTTP/HTTPS redirect lines

Used to redirect all requests coming into these ports.

Additional information

The Client’s IP Header Name (Upstream Side) setting defines how Reblaze passes the client's IP address to the upstream server. In addition to the IP, Reblaze also sends the client's geographic information (if it is available). The field names are:

Field name



Client's country


Abbreviation of client's country


Client's organization


Client's region

Log File Parameters

The Log Files Parameters enables you to control the contents of the Reblaze-generated traffic logs.

Log file Parameter


Challenge Domain

Defines the domain you want Reblaze to use when setting a challenge cookie. The default value (“$host”) tells Reblaze to use the domain being accessed by the user.

Private Args

Defines the argument names which contain sensitive data, and therefore will not be saved in log files. Common examples of this are payment details and credit card numbers.

Site Deletion

When you wish to remove a site from Reblaze, select it in the pulldown list in the upper right of the page. Then, at the bottom of the page, you will find a (disabled) Delete Site button.

To enable the button, check all three boxes next to it. (This is a safety measure to prevent accidental site deletions.) Once the button is enabled, clicking it will remove the specified site from Reblaze. Note that this action cannot be undone.

Before deleting a site from Reblaze, you should change your DNS settings to reroute your traffic, and then wait for the changes to propagate. Otherwise, Reblaze will still be receiving traffic, but the traffic will no longer be passed along to your server.

Last updated