This page describes Reblaze's API namespaces and endpoints. It assumes you are already familiar with the information contained here, about internal data structures and API usage.

This page is provided for reference purposes. By default, every Reblaze planet includes an instance of Swagger UI, which provides this same information with additional interactive features (building curl commands, submitting API calls directly, etc). Read more about this.

API namespaces: overview

The various namespaces within the API can be organized into three categories of settings. The category listings below include links to more information about the settings themselves; the API calls are documented below.

Namespaces for security settings:

Namespaces for site-related settings:

Namespaces for other capabilities:

Namespaces in alphabetical order

ACL Profiles


Backend Services



Content Filter Profiles

Content Filter Rules

Data queries

Two of the Data queries routes below manage quarantined traffic sources. The rest are for retrieving traffic data; see API Access to Traffic Data for instructions on using them.

Dynamic Rules

Edge Functions

Flow Control Policies

Global Filters

Load Balancers


Proxy Templates

Rate Limit Rules

Security Policies

Server Groups




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