Pattern Matching Syntax

used for specifying matching conditions

Within the Reblaze interface, there are several features that require matching conditions to be specified.

The text boxes accept strings or PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions). If you are unsure of PCRE syntax, you can test your expression at sites such as, which will show you how it will be parsed.

Below are some examples of syntax for specifying matching patterns.

A common pattern is for matching all static content. This pattern in full is:

~* \.(gcur|htc|aif|aiff|au|avi|bin|bmp|cab|cct|cdf|class|doc|dcr|dtd|exe|flv|gcf|gff|gif|grv|hdml|hqx|ico|ini|jpeg|jpg|js|mov|mp3|nc|pct|pdf|png|ppc|pws|swa|swf|txt|vbs|w32|wav|wbmp|wml|wmlc|wmls|xsd|zip|webp|jxr|hdp|wdp|bz2|map|ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|css)$

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